How to Configure Fanuc Network and FOCAS Settings

How to Configure Fanuc Network and FOCAS Settings


This article includes steps to configure network and FOCAS settings. 


  1. Static IP Address, Subnet Mask, & Gateway
  2. Network Drop


  1. Plug network cable into CD38A port, this is typically located in the main electrical cabinet or behind the LCD screen
    1. Electrical Cabinet location, common on 16i, 18i, 21i, 30i, 31i, & 32i controls

    2. Behind the LCD location, common on 16i, 18i, 21i, 0i-D, & 0i-F controls

Current Generation Fanuc Control

If the screens and buttons do not match, try reviewing Older Generation Fanuc Control further down this article

Known Controls

  1. Fanuc 0i-MD, 0i-TD, 0i-MF, 0i-TF
  2. Fanuc 30i Model A, Model A5, Model B, Model B5
  3. Fanuc 31i Model A, Model A5, Model B, Model B5
  4. Fanuc 32i Model A, Model A5, Model B, Model B5
  5. Essentially any Fanuc control manufactured after 2005

Configure Network Settings

Notate or take a picture of any settings before making changes
Some controls require you to be in MDI mode and enable Parameter Write Enabled (PWE) 
  1. Press SYSTEM button
  2. Press the right arrow soft key until you see EMBED PORT on the softkeys
  3. Press EMBED PORT
  4. Press COMMON
  5. To set the following settings, type the value, then press INPUT button
    1. Set IP ADDRESS with your static IP address
    2. Set SUBNET MASK with your subnet mask
    3. Set ROUTER IP ADDRESS with your gateway
    4. Leave DHCP CLIENT set to "0"
    1. If not, press (OPRT), then EMB/PCMCIA, then EXECUTE, then far left softkey to go back

Configure FOCAS Settings

Notate or take a picture of any settings before making changes
  1. Press FOCAS2 (if softkey is not seen, follow steps 1-3 from Configure Network Settings steps above)
  2. If PORT NUMBER (TCP) is "0", change to "8193"
  3. If already set to something other than 0, leave it alone and notate the number for later use
  4. Leave PORT NUMBER (UDP) and TIME INTERVAL as is

Finalize Configuration

  1. Turn the CNC Control off then back on to apply changes

Older Generation Controls

Known Controls

  1. Fanuc 16i-M, 16i-T, 16i-TB, 16i-MB, 160i, 160is
  2. Fanuc 18i-M, 18i-T, 18i-TB, 18i-MB, 180i, 180is
  3. Fanuc 21i-M, 21i-T, 21i-TB, 21i-MB, 210i, 210is

Configure Network Settings

Notate or take a picture of any settings before making changes
  1. Put in MDI mode
  2. Press SYSTEM button
  3. Press the right arrow soft key until you see ETHPRM on the softkeys
  4. Press ETHPRM 
    1. If not, press SWITCH, then EXEC, then far left softkey to go back
  6. Press EMBEDD
  7. On page 1, set the following settings:
  8. To enter a value, type the value, then press INPUT button
    1. Set IP ADDRESS with your static IP address
    2. Set SUBNET MASK with your subnet mask
    3. Set ROUTER IP ADDRESS with your gateway

Configure FOCAS Settings

  1. On page 2 or 3, set the following settings:
  2. To enter a value, type the value, then press INPUT button
  3. Set PORT NUMBER(TCP) to 8193

Finalize Configuration

  1. Turn the CNC Control off then back on to apply changes

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