How to Create a Predator Trace Log

How to Create a Predator Trace Log


Some Predator products have advanced logging capabilities that allow our support team and developers troubleshoot complex issues. Creating a trace log is a simple process and can generally be done by anyone without administrator access. Predator PDM and Predator MDC currently support trace logging. 


  1. Access to a computer with the issue

Creating Trace Log

  1. Close all Predator applications
  2. In File Explorer, go to one of the following:
    1. For Predator PDM, go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Predator Software\PDM 11.0\"
    2. For Predator MDC, go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Predator Software\MDC 11.0\"
  3. Right-click PPDM.exe (Predator PDM) or PMDC.exe (Predator MDC) and click Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)
  4. On Windows 11, you must click Show more options to see the Send to submenu 
  5. Back on the Desktop, right-click the new shortcut and go to Properties
  6. In the Target field, go to the very end and add "-trace"

  7. Click OK
  8. Launch the Predator application with the newly created icon and if successful, a message will appear

  9. Continue to replicate the problem, but ideally wait about a minute between attempts so it's clear in the logs
  10. Close the Predator application
  11. Go to "C:\Predator Software" and send a copy of PDM_TRACE.TXT or MDC_TRACE.TXT to the SFA support team

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