How to Install Scytec DataXchange

How to Install Scytec DataXchange


The Scytec DataXchange application is installed from the internet. An already established account and user is required to log in. This article applies to cloud customer only.


  1. .NET Framework v4.7.2
  2. Internet Access
  3. DataXchange Account Number and Account Password
  4. DataXchange User Name and Password
  5. Download Setup.exe
    1. (link) accounts (typically for accounts established in 2023 or earlier)
    2. (link) accounts (typically for accounts established in 2023 or later)

Installing DataXchange

DataXchange must be installed for each user on a PC. For example, if a PC is shared by Greg and Amy, both Greg and Amy will have to install DataXchange on their respective profiles. Administrator rights are not required in most instances.
  1. Run setup.exe
  2. The DataXchange application will automatically install 
  3. Once complete, you will be asked to enter your Account Number and Account Password
    1. This is different from your personal User Name and Password
  4. After the account information has been entered, you will now enter your User Name and Password which will log you into the DataXchange application

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