How to Use Okuma SCOUT to Determine MTConnect Version & Compatibility
This guide will take you through the steps to see if your P series Okuma CNC is compatible with MTConnect
- Setup a free Okuma Account (found at
- SCOUT app (found at
- USB Flash Drive
- Optional: USB Mouse
Compatible Controls
- OSP-P100
- OSP-P200
- OSP-P300
Running SCOUT
Ensure you Okuma CNC is not running a program and is in a safe position, preferably home
- Load SCOUT onto USB flash drive, then plug into Okuma CNC Control
- If you have a USB Mouse, plug that in as well
- Using the mouse, touchpad, touchscreen, or stylus, move the cursor to the bottom of the screen, then click to show the Windows task bar. (Note: Using the touchscreen or stylus may require multiple attempts)
- Click the Windows start menu
- Navigate to the USB flash drive where SCOUT is located and double click the SCOUT exe
- When complete, it will generate a Compatibility Report with a list of every available Okuma app
- Scroll down until you see MTConnect Agent & Adapter
- Compatible, ready for install
- Missing a required component
- Application is currently installed
- Click to see what components are missing and what is required to make the CNC control compatible
- In the above example, Okuma Startup System is not up to date causing the incompatibility
- When possible, install the missing or out of date component(s)
- THINC API and Operating system support must be obtained by your Okuma dealer
- Okuma Startup System can be installed or updated from the Okuma App store
- .NET Framework is included with MTConnect Agent and Adapter
Saving Log
- Click Open Log Location and copy the SCOUT.txt file to the USB flash drive
- Provide this log to your Shop Floor Automations contact
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