Unable to Save Programs to Floppy Connect on a Haas

Unable to Save Programs to Floppy Connect on a Haas


I am unable to save programs back to the Floppy Connect (emulator) on a Haas, but I can load programs from it. 


  • Does the Haas say "FLOPPY DONE" when you attempted to save a file to the Floppy Connect?
    • If yes, then press F4 on the Haas, then press EDIT to view the DIR (Directory) of the Floppy Connect
  • Is the program that you were trying to save shown in the DIR?
    • If yes, then before you remove the USB flash drive from the emulator, push the RES button on the front of the Floppy Connect
    • Wait for a moment until all the LEDs stop flashing
    • After the flashing LEDs stop, then remove the USB flash drive
    • Take the USB flash drive to your PC to confirm the files have saved on the drive