What does this SIM wrapper error mean?

What does this SIM wrapper error mean?

Contact support for a more in-depth explanation, but here are some codes:

We always recommend you first make sure you review your Predator serial number and access code for typos. Extra spaces or tabs can cause issues. Don’t assume a zero in the code is a capital O.

If all else fails, here is more info on troubleshooting SIM Errors –

SIM Wrapper error 0 (0) – No Error
Try reinstalling the device driver

SIM Wrapper error 1 – No Driver
Proceed to troubleshooting steps listed under “SIM Wrapper error 5 (0)”
Or you can try reinstalling the device driver

SIM Wrapper error 2 – No SIM
Check the physical installation of the SIM adapter.
Try to install the device to a different port available on the PC, available parallel or USB port

SIM Wrapper error 3 ” Bad SIM
Contact Shop Floor Automations Support ASAP if you see this error

SIM Wrapper error 4 ” Expired
Contact Shop Floor Automations Support ASAP if you see this error

SIM Wrapper error 5 (0) ” Drivers corrupt or not installed for the SIM or invalid codes.
Follow these steps if you have a SIM from Predator.

  1. Sentinel Protection Drivers must be installed locally on the PC running Predator (Remote Desktop / VNC or any other remote program will not work during the initial setup)
  2. Remove the SIM from the USB or Parallel port on your PC.
  3. Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs and remove the Sentinel Protection Installer and remove.
  4. Insert the CD that you received from Shop Floor Automations in the CD-Rom drive and navigate to “Drivers\Sentinel System Driver” folder and double-click the “Sentinel Protection Installer 7.1.0.msi”
  5. After this is completed, insert the SIM into the USB or parallel port on the PC and watch for the Windows notification that the new hardware has been detected.
  6. Open Predator and if the registration window opens, enter the serial number and access code in the provided spaces.
  7. If Predator opens, go to the Options menu and choose Upgrade. Enter the serial number and access code here.
  1. If no errors, verify in the title bar of Predator that it does NOT say “Predator/DEMO”.
  2. If you do get an error again, proceed to the troubleshooting steps for the SIM Wrapper Error 5 (56) below.

SIM Wrapper error 5 (56) – The serial number or access code is invalid.
Symptom: Codes seem to not update; you are entering the correct codes, but keeps coming up with an error.

  1. Enter “dncdemo” for the serial number. Leave the access code blank.
  2. This should bring you up to Predator. Shutdown Predator and relaunch.
  3. Go to the Options menu > Upgrade
  4. Enter the correct serial number and access codes and hit “OK.”
  5. If this still does not work, go to Start > All Programs > Predator DNC > Repair All
  6. If you still get this error code, call our technical support department.

SIM Wrapper error 6 – DES Failure
Contact Shop Floor Automations Support ASAP if you see this error

SIM Wrapper error 7 – CRC Failure
Contact Shop Floor Automations Support ASAP if you see this error

SIM Wrapper error 8 – SIM Write
Reinstall the device driver and if problems persist, contact SFA Support

SIM Wrapper error 9 – SIM Read
Reinstall the device driver and if problems persist, contact SFA Support

SIM Wrapper error 10 – Clock Altered
If you are using temp codes, changing the date and time can cause this issue

SIM Wrapper error 11 – Registry Altered
Contact Shop Floor Automations Support ASAP if you see this error

SIM Wrapper error 12 – SIM Altered
Contact Shop Floor Automations Support ASAP if you see this error

SIM Wrapper error 13 – Bad Registry
Contact Shop Floor Automations Support ASAP if you see this error

SIM Wrapper error 14 – Registry Write
Can’t write to the Windows registry – check permissions

SIM Wrapper error 15 – Bad Product
Uninstall the Predator application, doublecheck info entered, including serial numbers and access codes

SIM Wrapper error 16 – Bad Date or Time
Predator failed to retrieve current system date or time

SIM Wrapper error 17 – Wrong Version

  1. Launch Predator and check the version by clicking “Help” > “About”
  2. If you have version 4.x.x.x, you should be using a serial number beginning with “04””, if you have version 3.x.x.x installed, you should be using a serial number beginning with “03””
  3. If you do not have the correct version that matches your installed version, verify that the codes you are using are the correct ones.

SIM Wrapper error 18 – Wrong Product
Follow the above steps for the SIM Wrapper Error 17.

SIM Wrapper error 19 – Already Running
Predator app may be running on another user’s desktop

SIM Wrapper error 20 – FLM Server Not Found
Review computer name and IP address

SIM Wrapper error 21 – FLM No Licenses
Need to purchase additional licenses of appropriate Predator application

SIM Wrapper error 22 – Unable to create FLM
Confirm .Net framework is installed

SIM Wrapper error 23 – FLM Not Enabled
Confirm FLM Manager is licensed properly

SIM Wrapper error 500 – Invalid Handle
Contact Shop Floor Automations Support ASAP if you see this error

SIM Wrapper error 501 – No Dialog
Contact Shop Floor Automations Support ASAP if you see this error

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