How to Configure Predator DNC for First Time Use

How to Configure Predator DNC for First Time Use


The following article will review the steps to prepare a fresh install of Preator DNC. This does not include the steps to create a machine. 


  1. Installed and Licensed Predator DNC (How to Install Predator DNC v11)

Open an Existing PXP Configuration File

If you do not have an existing PXP configuration file, go to Create PXP Configuration File below
  1. While holding the Shift key, right click the Predator DNC v11 Administrator shortcut and click Run as administrator
  2. Go to File > Open
  3. Navigate to your PXP configuration file
  4. Click Open

Create a New PXP Configuration File

If you already have an existing PXP configuration file, go to Open an Exiting PXP Configuration File above
  1. While holding the Shift key, right click the Predator DNC v11 Administrator shortcut and click Run as administrator
  2. Go to File > New
  3. Select "DNC Explorer" and click OK
  4. Go to File > Save and navigate to "C:\Predator Software\Support\PXPs"
  5. If Support folder does not exist, please create it.
  6. Change the File name to the following format "Company Name (City, State).pxp"
  7. i.e. "Aerospace Products (La Mesa, CA).pxp"
  8. Click Save
  1. Turn on error log by checking Options > Error Log
  2. Enable advanced objects by checking Options > Advanced
  3. Switch to layout two by checking Options > Layout Two
  4. Go to File > Save
  5. Go to File > Exit Predator DNC then relaunch Predator DNC v11 Administrator
  6. Begin to configure your PXP

Configure Optional Settings

  1. To change the size of the toolbar Icons, toggle between "Large Icons" and "Small Icons" in Options > Toolbars
  2. To change the size of the PXP icons, toggle between "Large Icons" and "Small Icons" in View
  3. To clean up the toolbars, go to Options > Toolbars and uncheck all but "DNC Explorer"

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