How to Install Predator FLM

How to Install Predator FLM


The Predator Floating License Manager (FLM) is used to float Predator licenses eliminating the need to have a USB SIM for each computer. The computer hosting the Predator FLM still requires a USB SIM for licensing.


  1. Available USB Port (for permanent license)
  2. TCP Port 50000 Opened on Firewall
  3. Predator FLM License File
  4. .NET Framework 4.5.2
  5. .NET Framework 3.5


  1. Request a license (Instructions)
  2. Download Predator FLM v11 (link)
  3. Enable .NET Framework 3.5 (link)


  1. Extract files and run SetupFLM.exe
  2. Leaving all applications selected, click Next
  3. Complete Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 Installation Wizard
  4. During Sentinel System Driver Installation Wizard, be sure to select Yes on the Windows Firewall detected! page
  5. Complete Predator FLM v11 Installation Wizard

Load the Predator FLM License File

This step involves providing the license file which is used to float the licenses, this is independent of the Predator FLM license
  1. Go to the Predator FLM installation folder, usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Predator Software\FLM 11.0"
  2. Place the "PFLM Service.license" file in this folder

Do not change the name of the license file, it must be "PFLM Service.license"

Licensing Predator FLM

This step involves licensing of the Predator FLM server itself, not the clients utilization the floating licenses
  1. If licensing with a permanent license, i.e. USB SIM, plug in the USB SIM prior to proceeding, otherwise skip this step
  2. From the desktop, locate the blue Predator FLM Service Manager v11 shortcut
  3. While holding the Shift key, right click the Predator FLM Service Manager v11 shortcut and click Run as administrator
  4. Click Upgrade Service Serial/Access, the "Registration Information" screen will appear

  5. Fill out Name and Company
  6. Copy and paste Serial Number and Access Code into applicable fields
  7. Leave License Type set to "Unknown"
  8. Click OK when done

Set the Predator FLM TCP Port

  1. Open the Predator FLM Service Manager v11 Application
  2. Click Service Network Properties

  3. Set Port to "50000"
  4. This can be set to any available TCP port, but SFA recommends 50000
  5. Click OK

  6. If prompted to temporarily stop the Predator FLM Service, click Yes
  7. Click OK to the success prompt

Start the Predator FLM Service

  1. Open Windows Services
  2. Locate "Predator FLM Service", double click it to open its properties
  3. Set Startup type: to "Automatic (Delayed Start)"
  4. Click Start

Licensing Clients

Use the following additional steps when licensing a floating Predator application
  1. The application specific Serial Number and Access Code was provided via a license report
  2. Set the Server to the IP address or hostname where the Predator FLM Server is running
  3. Set the Port to "50000" or the TCP port you opted to use instead
The Serial Number and Access Code must match the license version included in the license file, not the version of the Predator FLM server, i.e. the Predator FLM Server can be v11, but the license file can float v10 or older licenses.

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