Predator DNC Onsite Preparation
To help prepare for your onsite Predator DNC installation, it is recommended you read the following article. The technician will implement features detailed in the scope. Features such as drip-feed must be defined in the scope to be configured by the SFA technician. Feel free to ask a SFA technician any questions.
System Requirements
- For a complete list of system requirements, review Predator Software System Requirements.
- SFA recommends a Windows service account with local administrator rights, read & execute/write to all applicable part program directories and doesn't expire.
- SFA recommends the Server/PC is dedicated to Predator applications.
- If using Anti-Virus software or third-party firewalls, ensure exceptions can be made for Predator applications and their supporting drivers.
- The Predator DNC application will use a temporary license until you receive the permanent USB SIM which is issue shortly after the final payment. Review How to Obtain Network ID to License Predator Products to obtain the information needed for a SFA technician to request a temporary license.
- Virtual Machines (VM) are supported as long as a USB port is available to the VM at all times. Review USB Port Options for Virtual Machines for more information or contact SFA Support.
- Installations utilizing a Floating License Manager (FLM) will only need a USB port on the FLM server.
Network Infrastructure
- Static IP addresses are used for all network-based hardware and CNC machines. Each device and/or CNC machine will require its own static IP address.
- Communication protocols to CNC machines typically require some TCP ports be open
- The most common TCP ports used by Predator DNC are 21, 80, 445, 950, 951, 966, 967, 1391, 8008, 8080, 8081, 8190, 8191, 8192, 8193, & 11000-11100.
- The most common protocols used by Predator DNC are FTP, SMBv1, & SMBv2.
Wireless Hardware Preparation
This section ONLY applies to wireless hardware, if you purchased wired hardware, read the section below
- Wireless access points (WAP) are installed and ready.
- SSID and encryption information will be provided to the SFA technician upon arrival.
- All CNC machines have line of sight to a WAP.
- If MAC address filtering is used, you must notify the SFA technician upon arrival.
Wired Hardware Preparation
This section ONLY applies to wired hardware, if you purchased wireless hardware, read the section above
- Ethernet drops are present and located within 5 feet of serial or Ethernet port.
- If using a female Ethernet drop (i.e. biscuit, keystone jack), patch cables must be provided.
- Ensure all Ethernet drops are patched into switch.
- Ensure all switch ports are tagged for the correct VLAN.
CNC Requirements
- Edit lock keys must be present during the installation and required for most remote request implementations
- CNC machines must be able to be powered on and fully usable
- For CNC machines requiring hardware, a 110vac outlet or 24vdc is required
- Okuma CNC machines require a 110vac outlet.
- Fanuc CNC machines can use a Fanuc power cable in lieu of the above requirement, please inform your Account Executive if this is desired.
- 110vac outlets must be within 5 feet of the serial or Ethernet port.
- 12-48vdc is only used when the hardware is mounted internally, and the CNC machine has power to spare.
Part Programs and Directories
- Predator DNC can use most existing part program directories.
- UNC paths are required in most instances.
- If using remote request, file name must be easily typed at CNC machine control.
- The SFA technician can help create a part program directory while onsite as well as provide recommendations to modify existing directories.
- All file management is handled by Windows File Explorer so permissions must be assigned by your IT staff; here are some recommendations
- Predator DNC Server and/or Windows service account: read & execute/write to both uploads and downloads folders
- Programmers/Supervisors: read & execute/write to both uploads and downloads folders
- Operators: read & execute to downloads folders
Personnel Needed for a Successful Implementation
- IT Contact
- Maintenance Contact
- CNC Programmer
- Machine Shop Supervisor
- Operator
- A range of static IP addresses; one for each device and/or network-based CNC machine
- Local Administrator Rights
- Windows Service Account
- SSID and Encryption Key (for wireless hardware only)
- Location of current NC part programs
Typical Installation Plan
A meeting will be scheduled on the first day of installation. The meeting should include key personnel from the IT, Manufacturing, and Programming departments and any other personnel needed to support the installation. In some cases, the requirement of all departments may be satisfied by one person.
During the Installation
- The software will be installed and licensed with a temporary license. Drivers will be configured, and some Windows settings will be changed to better support the Predator DNC system. All network connections will be tested. In some cases, this portion will be started prior to the onsite visit.
- Hardware will be installed on CNC machines. These CNC machines must be fully accessible to the technician and any delays may require additional onsite time to complete the project. An average of 60 minutes per machine is needed but can increase due to the complexity of the CNC machine and scope.
- Basic training will be conducted with CNC machine operators and supervisory personnel.
- Administrator training will be conducted with IT staff and project lead.
- At the end of the installation, a Service Report will be provided and must be signed off by the project lead. This will include a complete overview of the service performed, including software installation, hardware installation, both user/administrator training details, list any open issues, and recommendations.
- A signed copy of this Service Report shall be returned to the technician as soon as possible.
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