What are the Predator Software System Requirements?

What are the Predator Software System Requirements?


System requirements for Predator applications are listed below. Most implementations can be done on either a desktop or server operating system.
Predator PDM has additional requirements. Review Predator PDM IT Requirements for more information. 

Server Minimum Requirements

Operating System
Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019
Windows 7 or Windows Server 2012
Intel or AMD at 2.0 GHz or Higher with 2 Cores
Intel or AMD at 2.0 GHz
8 GB RAM or more
Disk Space
250 GB
120 GB

Additional Requirements
  1. USB Port
  2. 1280 x 960 Screen Resolution
  3. .NET Framework 3.5

Client Minimum Requirements

Operating System
Windows 10
Windows 7
Intel or AMD at 2.0 GHz or Higher
Intel or AMD at 1.5 GHz
Disk Space
120 GB
64 GB

Additional Requirements
  1. USB Port (except for floating licenses)
  2. 1280 x 960 Screen Resolution
  3. .NET Framework 3.5

Database Requirements

Predator MDC, Predator PDM, and Predator Tracker require the use of a database. Microsoft SQL Server is recommended, but Microsoft Access and Oracle Database are also supported. 
  1. Microsoft SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, & 2012, either Standard or Express editions
  2. Microsoft Access 2019, 2016, & 2013
  3. Oracle Database 19c, 18c, 18c Express, & 12c

Additional Information

  1. For applications that require the use of a database, SFA recommends using a dedicated server to host both the Predator applications and Microsoft SQL Server.
  2. Virtual Machines (VM) are supported, however, clients running on terminal servers require a Predator FLM server.
  3. VMs hosting server applications such as Predator DNC or FLM require a physical USB port, more information can be found here.
Virtual Machines are fully supported, however, please take the following statement into consideration. For most installations, it is imperative to allow select non-IT personnel access to the Predator system. The Predator DNC system is reliable, but like any other software, issues may arise. Since the Predator system is used 24/7, IT often times is not available if something stops working during 2nd and 3rd shifts and this might cause production to stop. Allowing someone during those shifts access to the Predator DNC server could save several hours of lost production due to the inability to transfer programs. Proper training can be provided by SFA to the personnel granted access. 

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