Why does my Fanuc give "The Wrong Data is Used" error message?

Why does my Fanuc give "The Wrong Data is Used" error message?


When trying to send, punch, or output a program, the Fanuc give an error "The Wrong Data is Used". 


This is a syntax error and most likely due to how the program name or number is being typed. In some cases, this is also due to the incorrect foreground and background folders. 


  1. Confirm your foreground and background folders are set to the current location you are trying to send, punch, or output a program from.
    1. How to Change Fanuc Foreground and Background Folders
  2. Check if you're using F, P, or O GET/SET Properly
    1. “F” = File Name
      1. Can be any string; i.e. O1234 or <FILENAME>
        1. F GET = Get File Name
        2. F SET = Set File Name
    2. “P” = Program Name
      1. The letter “O” plus the O-number; i.e. O1234
        1. P GET = Get Program Name
        2. P SET = Set Program Name
    3. “O” = O-Number
      1. The O-number without the letter “O”; i.e. 1234
        1. O GET = Get O-Number
        2. O SET = Set O-Number

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