How to Program Moxa NPort W2150A & W2250A

How to Program Moxa NPort W2150A & W2250A


This article will go through the steps to program a Moxa NPort W2150A & W2250A unit. 


  1. PC with available Ethernet port
  2. Ethernet Cable
  3. 12-48vdc Power Supply (12vdc included)
  4. Device Search Utility (DSU)
  5. Static IP Address, Subnet Mask (Netmask), & Gateway
  6. SSID
  7. Wi-Fi Security Information


  1. Download and install DSU (link)

Configure Wi-Fi Settings

  1. Plug in Ethernet cable between Ethernet port located on the top of the unit and your PC Ethernet port
  2. Plug power supply into Moxa
  3. Launch DSU
  4. Click Search and wait for it to complete

  5. Verify the MAC address matches the white label on the back of the unit
  6. Double click the device in DSU to open in web browser
  7. Type "admin" in Account field
  8. Type "moxa" in Password field
  9. Click Login

  10. Go to Network Settings > WLAN Settings > Profile
  11. Click General
  12. Set RF type to "802.11b/g/n"
  13. Type your SSID into SSID field
    1. Optional, use Site Survey to find your SSID
  14. Click Submit
  15. Press Back
  16. Click Security
  17. Choose only one of the following authentication protocols:
  1. WPA2-PSK/WPA-PSK Wi-Fi Security Protocol (most common; if you're unsure, choose this one)
    1. Set Authentication to "WPA-PSK" or "WPA2-PSK" to match your Wi-Fi security settings
    2. WPA2-PSK is most common
    3. Set Encryption to "TKIP" or "AES-CCMP" to match your Wi-Fi security settings
    4. AES-CCMP is most common
    5. Type your encryption password in PSK passphrase field to match your Wi-Fi security settings
    6. Click Submit

  2. WEP Wi-Fi Security Protocol
    1. Set Authentication to "Shared Key"
    2. Set WEP key length to "64-bits" or "128-bits" to match your Wi-Fi security settings
    3. Set WEP key format to "ASCII" or "HEX" to match your Wi-Fi security settings
    4. HEX is most common
    5. Type your encryption password in WEP key 1 field to match your Wi-Fi security settings, add additional WEP keys as required
    6. Click Submit

  3. Open System
    1. Set Authentication to "Open System"
    2. Click Submit

Configure WLAN Settings (IP Address)

  1. Go to Network Settings > WLAN Settings > WLAN
  2. Set IP configuration to "Static"
  3. Type your IP address in IP address field
  4. Type your Subnet Mask in Netmask field
  5. Type your Gateway in Gateway field
  6. Click Submit

Finalize Configuration

  1. Go to Restart > Restart System
  2. Click Submit
  3. As soon as the Ready LED on the Moxa device turns red, disconnect the Ethernet cable
  4. Upon successful connection to your Wi-Fi network, the Ready and WLAN LEDs will be solid green and the signal bars should illuminated, this can take up to 30 seconds
  5. To confirm connectivity, ping IP address from computer designated to host software


  1. To install drivers, review How to Install Moxa NPort Drivers


  1. Unable to find the unit with DSU
    1. It is very important to first plug in the Ethernet cable before power up the unit. Unplug the power cord, plug in the Ethernet cable, then plug in the power cord. 
  2. WLAN light is flashing green
    1. Double check the SSID and security information
    2. Make sure the antenna is attached
    3. Ensure you have adequate Wi-Fi coverage
  3. WLAN light is not lit after rebooting
    1. Unplug the power cord and Ethernet cable, then plug the power cord back in

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