The Predator DNC logs is an invaluable tool to diagnose issues. This article includes the most common log messages and how to decipher them.
How to Locate Predator DNC Logs
Logs can be viewed within the Predator DNC application itself. When running as a Windows Service, SFA places the logs in "C:\Predator Software\Support\Logs"
The DNC system has started remote mode
8/12/2014 3:32:15 PM The read thread has started
8/12/2014 3:32:15 PM The write thread has started
8/12/2014 3:32:15 PM Write thread has completed
8/12/2014 3:32:15 PM REMOTE: LinkOpen worked
8/12/2014 3:32:15 PM REMOTE: Processing read start
8/12/2014 3:32:15 PM REMOTE: Processing read
A remote request was received. It sees the LD command and begins processing it
8/13/2014 1:51:42 PM Processing command program
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Processing command string [%]
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Unable to locate a command that
matches this string
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Processing command string []
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Processing command string [O7777(PREDATOR
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Unable to locate a command that
matches this string
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Processing command string []
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Processing command string [(LD D00046066)]
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Queueing task LD with parameter D00046066

The LD command is found and Predator begins processing D00046066
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM REMOTE: Returning command block
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM REMOTE: Command program is
[\037\013\010O7777(PREDATOR REMOTE)\013\010(LD D00046066) \013\010M30\013\010\037]
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Processing command string []
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Processing command string [M30]
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Unable to locate a command that
matches this string
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Processing command string []
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Processing command string [%]
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Unable to locate a command that
matches this string
8/13/2014 1:51:43 PM Read thread has completed
Predator DNC is sending the requested file
8/13/2014 1:51:49 PM Writing file : C:\Predator Files\Download\Large
CNC Mills\D00046066

This is where
Predator is pulling the file from your network
8/13/2014 1:51:50 PM ...
8/13/2014 1:52:49 PM Write thread has completed
A program was uploaded to the server
8/13/2014 4:36:37 AM Reading file : C:\Predator Files\Uploads\114K\0244

This is where
Predator is saving the file being uploaded
8/13/2014 4:36:37 AM Correctly created file C:\Predator
Files\Uploads\114K\0244 for writing
DNC is unable to locate or open the requested file
8/13/2014 7:14:14 AM Unable to open file C:\Predator Files\Download\114K\8230

Check this location to verify
the file is present. If windows can’t open or find it, neither can Predator
8/13/2014 7:14:14 AM Low level error 2

Check the list at the bottom
for a better description of low level errors
message - Receive Confirmed
8/13/2014 4:36:57 AM Writing file : Receive_Confirmed
8/13/2014 4:36:57 AM Write thread has completed
message - File Not Found
8/13/2014 7:14:16 AM Writing file : File_Not_Found
8/13/2014 7:14:17 AM Write thread has completed
command has reached its timeout value and is restarting remote mode
8/13/2014 1:52:49 PM Command Timeout: Cancelling write thread
COMPORT: open of \\.\COM70 failed with 1450 [Insufficient system
resources exist to complete the requested service.]
8/12/2014 3:47:36 PM COMPORT: will attempt to open until manually
is sending file, but Predator is not receiving
8/13/2014 3:55:58 PM Clean Code: Receive counted 0 percent signs. Please verify the
file is correct.

Either the machine is not sending any relevant data or the program has no percent signs. Check the Clean Code link if it has receive % to % enabled